nxweb Quick Start under Ubuntu 14.04



  • Ubuntu 14.04 (should work under Ubuntu 13.04+ as well)
  • nxweb-3.3.0-dev.tar.gz (or newer) installation archive downloaded from here.

1. Refresh package database

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

2. Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install libgnutls28-dev libmagickwand-dev libpython-dev make

3. Make & install nxweb

tar xfz nxweb-3.3.0-dev.tar.gz
cd nxweb-3.3.0-dev
./configure --with-imagemagick --with-gnutls --with-python --disable-certificates
sudo make install

Run samples

From the same directory you were running the build from execute:

cd sample_config

This will launch nxweb with sample config nxweb_config.json located in sample_config directory.

Using your browser visit the following locations:

  • http://localhost:8055/
  • http://localhost:8055/hello
  • http://localhost:8055/py

There are other handlers in sample config, which you can discover studying the config file.
